If you want to play Planet Coaster on a Mac, then you could try to use BootCamp. There are alternatives for OpenGL, such as Metal, but this would require extensive additional development, which is most likely (my personal words) not profitable. That is also one of the main reasons that Frontier had to end their support for the macOS version of Elite Dangerous. The equilevant of DirectX on macOS, OpenGL, is no longer supported by Apple, which is the main reason that there is no macOS version of the game. Planet Coaster hasn’t been developed for macOS because the engine of Planet Coaster (Cobra engine) requires DirectX to run. Hold on to your bunch of precious windows nerd users lololll jokes on you First of all, I’m a volunteer, not a developer/employee of Frontier, so do not blame me. Take a look at my game library I bought lots of games to support the developers who have shown us respect and treated us as human being If you treat Apple users like dirt then we won’t even be buying your games ! What a joke ! You might be able to use BootCamp for macOS, but it is not officially supported. Planet Coaster is currently only available for Windows 7 and above. Publicado originalmente por Joël:Unfortunately, there are currently no plans for a macOS port of Planet Coaster.